Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanks Be for Thanksgiving!

Tomorrow's big day is almost everybody's favorite holiday.

Feasting without guilt...
Historical reminiscences...
Family memories...
Coming together...
Crispy cool weather...
Love all over the place.

This year, I am alone, so am going to eat with a friend and her other friend...Three of us. The hostess is making Cornish Game Hens, the other lady is bringing sushi, and I am bringing a sweet potato/pecan dish which I hope isn't too sweet! I think it'll be okay.

When I was a child, we ate our sweet potatoes in the form of pie.  That was the Southerners' way of making them palatable.  Asked whether I preferred pumpkin pie or sweet potato pie, I always chose sweet potato pie.  Don't know why...maybe it was the way mama spiced it (or didn't) that made it preferable. Anyway, it's worth has a separate kind of texture and flavor that's real good. We never used marshmallows in any sweet potato dish at that time, so we were spared that inundation of sweetness.  Then I went to college and I had marshmallow/sweet potato casseroles, and, Lo! I found them good.

Good they were not, but they sure were tasty. Made the idea of pie kind of redundant.

When I was about forty I found the deliciousness of baked potato, split, with a spoonful of finely-diced fresh salsa(tomato, jalapeno,onion) on top, equally yummy and probably much more healthy. I ate them that way for several years.  Now, this year, I parboiled the pieces that I got in a bag from Trader Joe's, put them into a ghee-smeared glass dish, and topped them with a mixture of ghee, honey and water boiled down a bit, and the pecans on top . I hope they are not sweet, as I tried to put in just enough honey to pique the flavor. Tomorrow we'll see, when I go to eat my Thanksgiving dinner with two other old ladies. YAZZYBEL

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Restored to Life

I begin this posting with a--not with an explanation ("Never complain; never explain."), but with an apology for letting it go at all.

I meant to start a new blog page: "Haiku a Day," which I may add to the present address. Or may not; it's all that I can hardly drive this vehicle (my computer) at all and so had to stay on Bkfst W Yazzybel. SO BE IT.

I went to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to visit my eldest son and his wonderful wife, and had a lovely visit. I got to see my oldest grandchild, Miranda, on a quick visit to Iowa City where she's a senior at IU.  I got to spend time, precious little of it, but TIME, with my grandson Daniel. What a fabulous guy he is. I did not get to see Isabel, off to her freshman year at Ames, IA, at ISU, but she was never far from my mind and heart which is true of them all.

Weather was incredible..cold, cold, the coldest weather I've ever been in.  Snow all over. Ice--rivers, lakes, creeks, puddles...frozen. With kind help, I maneuvered over it all without calamity. I got to see Daniel's Show Choir presentation, which was simply astounding. If I can find it on the web, I'll send it to those interested.  He's the tall guy on the right.

I 'm ba-a-a-a-ck!  Back from Cedar Rapids, with a detour on the way home to see my friends the Longnecker girls in Denver (thanks to a serendipitous missing of connections on Tuesday and catching the plane out on Wednesday.) What wonderful people they are, they and theirs!

So I'm here at home astounded and pleased. Love to ALL...I won't quit again any time soon. YAZZYBEL