Sunday, January 4, 2015

1000 Steps = One Half Mile

Surely I can do that!

Surely I already do that!

But--if I do it consciously and count the steps, as I sometimes do--I'll know that I did it, and all the rest of the steps will be extra bonus steps.

If a normal healthy person is supposed to walk 10,000 steps a day...yes, ten thousand, then surely I can make it to 1000 walking in a circle right here in this house. Every day that I feel like it, I should really attempt it. We are supposed to be grateful for feeling good, so we have to realize how good we feel and just walk!

I thank Dr Tsai, my acupuncturist, for the improvement in my legs. They don't look any better, still have veins and feel kinda numb from time to time, but--I can walk!  It took about nine months for me to get a significant improvement. I can now park in a parking lot without trying to get into a handicapped spot. If I have to.  Everyone should try acupuncture. He puts in about 28 needles. Yes, some of them hurt. Supposedly none do. He puts shallowly and superficially these 28 needles on the important chi lines of my body from head to toe and it's all how he injects them whether they hurt or not. But it is OK if it does hurt; a mosquito bite is more. It's just the idea.

Then you lie there and listen to pretty music in the dark for a pleasant period of time with a warm lamp on your cold old feet. It's nice!

My circulation has improved a lot. It's improved so much that even if it sometimes pricks  to put the needles in, I like the idea!!  YAZZYBEL

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