Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Yes! The Universe has suddenly spoken with a loud affirmative.  Theodore Neff has PASSED his driver's license tests, both parts, written and actual, with flying colors.

I knew he would ace the written, now that his brain is cleared of excess water to a large extent.  The driving test itself was more of a problem. No wife can say with impunity that she knows that hubby aged seventy seven will pass that test. But he had room for twenty errors, and he only made ten. That's monumental! HOORAY.

But is he happy? Packing his bags for a nice long trip? No, he has looked for and found something else to be gloomy about.  The big winds of the weekend blew down a portion of our back fence and we are exposed to the neighbors' vagaries, and they to ours. Dang. There goes a lot more money to the fencers. And the kitchen has yet to see one destroyers' hammer or cheerful make-readier even, for that matter. Grrr. But I will not be gloomy.  There's lots of joy here in Mudville; Mighty Casey came through, and I say, HOORAY> YAZZYBEL

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