Tuesday, July 23, 2013

La Vida Loca

Good morning!

What creatures of habit we are, what creatures of custom.

It has always been our custom as a couple that my husband handled the funds.  His desire was to handle them completely, everything in his hands.  Since he was so capable and so finicking in his accounting, I couldn't have left things in better hands.  He wasn't even willing to sit down for a month to month heart to heart or accounting of how things were, where the money went or should go.

Suddenly, things have changed. And it wasn't so sudden, either.  I noticed some perturbing changes last year, and for sure for the last six months I have beent trying to effect some changes in his old cash and carry methods, in which lots of money can disappear out the door without being accounted for.  But he was so good at writing things down and at knowing just how things were, always...until now....

My husband is in the hospital and has been hospitalized several times over the last few months.  In between times, he seemed fine and would want to keep control over his affairs just as usual.  Right now, it's become obvious that this hadnt been happening for some time even though his preferences were the same.

We have had notices from a collection agency! A collection agency!!  His family and my family would be rolling over in their graves to hear that. I am dealing with hospital charges and bills that I wouldnt even have been aware of if he were on top of things.

I tell you these things because it is important to realize that life can change overnight, practically. And it's not possible to be always aware of everything as it progresses. Even as I wrote the last sentence, a kidney doctor called up to tell me that my husband is not in good shape...he was more serious than anyone has ever been ever before...discussing this with me.

Even if my husband gets better and comes home, he will not be himself completely, probably.  Things change. And that's how it is, with this vida loca.  YAZZYBEL


  1. This is a very important post, Yazzybell. However, I am so sorry that the situation is as it is.

    I do hope your husband will be feeling better soon. Perhaps it is time to visit an accountant to get things back on track.

    I wish I had known more about the finances before my husband passed away suddenly. I was not prepared and the lessons were quite costly.

    Thank you so much for sharing...

  2. Thank you for your thoughts, Louise. I now, seven and a half years later, want to tell you how deeply I appreciated reading them. I wonder if you are still there...lots of things have happened over seven years, no? My thoughts as of that day have not changed, and I have not become used to being a widow!! My husband died about three days after I wrote that post. YAZZYBEL
