Shoot--why not? Everyone else is reviewing the year...and/or...predicting the new one.
The year was difficult. Losing a spouse is difficult, as are the days, weeks, months prior to that loss when one is struggling so hard against the bitter reality that it's exhausting. That is my review of the year.
Here is a capsule of 2014, personal and world-wide.
First the world-wide:
1. Janet Yellin will prove to be even more irritating, intolerable and boring than Ben Bernanke ever was.
2. The President will not do anything for the people that we really need, like fix the roads, fix the railroads, work on the infrastructure of electricity and power.
3. Congress will continue to preen and squabble, both at the same time.
4. Money will get more costly. Some things will begin to get scarce, but there will be plenty of junk and trash.
5. Food is going out of sight as to price. Unless you are buying bars, crackers, cookies, chips. You may have all of those that you wish for a reasonable price.
6. The weather will continue to be bizarre because the weather has always had a mind of its own, and is whimsical. Get a good roof and good drainage and hunker down.
7. About water, I do not know. I predict it will be dry in the deserts and more wet near rivers and streams.
8. If you want to buy stuff to store for the future, I recommend: man made blankets of the furry kind that are almost unbelieveably warm and very light weight; salt; ammo (tho I do not even have a gun and will be the first to go down.); Bibles; good shoes; aspirin; asthma inhalers.
9. War will break out in the Middle East, Africa, the Balkans (if they are even real any more), and the parts of Europe that are heavily populated with Muslims at the present time. Americans will become even more paranoid than they are at present, but nothing will be done about our own political/racial problems as usual.
10. Music, literature and art will continue.
11. Films will get better and worse. The good ones will be unbelieveably good, and the bad ones will make a lot lot lot of money.
12. Smart people will begin to equate good health with good food. There will be a lot of controversy about what good food is, and it'll take a lot of study to figure out what is good for one, and a lot of work to find the good stuff after one has figured it out. It will be costly.
13. Mexico will begin to, or perhaps continue to is the better choice of words, wake up as to its inherent value and power of culture, nature, climate, and people.
14. Travel will get more difficult, but lots of people will be traveling more than ever.
15. I am running out of steam. There are topics I haven't touched I am sure. Later!!
As for my personal predicions for my personal year. I will obey the I Ching, which gave me CHIEN, the Great Creative Principle, for my New Year's reading. The practical application of that supernal hexagram is: Work, work, work! Work will save me, save my situation, be my touchstone for 2014. What more could one ask? YAZZYBEL
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