Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Part Deux

Good afternoon!

I am adding a postscript to tell about my Christmas dinner, which put itself together so easily that it almost appeared in a dream.

After a delicious breakfast of bacon, biscuits, oatmeal, apple slices, cinnamon, and raisins, we opened our presents.

After time had passed, I took out the roast to let it warm up a bit before cooking. Fanny Farmer said two hours at 325, but I set my unpredictable oven at four twenty five anyway.  Two hours later the roast was done, and in the meantime I boiled up some string beans, made a salad, made a delicious salad dressing with raspberry vinegar, olive oil, and tarragon, and made a dip out of cream cheese and scallions to eat with radishes and strips of red bell pepper.  I put the roast in at eleven fifteen and at 1:00 it looked like all was well, so I set the roast on a platter, poured off most of the fat, whomped up a fine Fanny Farmer Yorkshire Pudding flavored with rosemary from the rosemary I'd put on the roast...the pudding cooked, and we ate the salad and the veggies and dip.  And drank a dclicious Merlot.  And then brought out the roast and the Yorkshire pudding and the string beans.  NO bread!  Awe.  All was very delightful. We had about a pound and a half of meat left over, and the bones cut apart frozen separately.  The meat is in the refrigerator ready for delicious sandwiches on "fiber-rich" Pepperidge Farm Bread for those nutty enough to think they need a supper.  I am going to try to put a picture or two on here so that those unlucky enough to have eaten elsewhere can see our dinner. YAZZYBEL

1 comment:

  1. My mom makes a vinaigrette similar and the salad had blue cheese and dried cherries.
    Thank you for leaving us a haiku. Yours was great! Our contest ends at Monday midnight but please come and join us next week! Auntie Bell will be the host at She will pic a topic soon for next week and the chips will start flying.
    Thanks : Dan
