Happy Easter!!
And Happy Paysach too!
Church was especially nice today because they baptized two babies, too little boys of the year old category....very cute and sweet. One was a little younger, the other a little older. People (women) around me said, "Awwww...," softly as the babies were borne by in the arms of their fathers or another male relative. I liked seeing them kiss their babies on the top of the head. An irresistible impulse, that, isn't it, if you're holding one?
The flowers were all white, and my favorite thing is all white flowers. But this year I felt they were a little lacking. St Paul's has a number of great huge copper window boxes that go underneath the stained glass windows, and some years they have just been burgeoning with spring blooms of all kinds and all colors. This year, things were a little sparse. There were Easter lilies only, and not a huge lot of them. Perhaps it's the recession....
There were a number of strangers today, probably because it's Easter and because of the baptisms. Two elderly 'girls' came in and sat next to me and proceeded to chitter and chat and giggle at every moment of interval. I even thought we were having that Easter earthquake that I gloomily anticipate every Easter, as the pew shivered and shook under their spasms of merriment.
I almost assumed a proper Episcopal attitude to ask them to tone it down, but held back. When we passed the Peace, I chatted too. Turns out they were having a joyful reunion, friends from the seventh grade, and were so happy to be together. I am glad I didn't say anything snippish. Episcopal women are often held to be snippish, and sometimes are. Their happiness and rowdy joy were really more appropriate to the day than any comment I could have made on deportment.
I wore a skirt today. A skirt suit, of pretty grey material. As I sat down I had a Madeleine Allbright moment that made me remember why I think pants are really more graceful than skirts unless the skirts are long and full. Madeleine used to make me suffer in the nineties, there, where I saw her on the news amongst presidents and sheiks, her middle-elderly plump legs in their tight skirt barely making it for decency's sake. Short tight skirts are not made for legs and figures like mine nor Madeleine's. Happy Easter, everybody. YAZZYBEL
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