Things are interesting in the news right now.
Things are interesting at home but they're so complicated that I can't cope with anything.
So, to the three things in the world news that are of interest to me right now.
One is the crisis in the Administration which precipitated the IRS scandals or whatever they are: the investigations against the Tea Party-ers and others who, however different from ourselves as we may perceive them, are identical to us in the matter of constitutional rights.
Another is what's happening in Syria and now, Turkey, as I heard the other night. If it werent for the all-night news I'd never learn anything for the newspaper is such a rumpus that I can't find anything but nonsense.
And the third and most important thing is the immigration reform nonsense taking place in the House and Senate if they ever put it together.
Apropos of the first, I have never not thought that our very emails were being looked over daily by a crowd of long-suffering agents. At least, fellers, those of the Longoria girls are grammatical and subject-oriented, and have almost no bad words. Give us that.
Apropos of the second, I wish to state to President Barack Obama that I do not want us to go to war in Syria or Turkey. I wish us to keep an eye on Iran and its nuclear development and work out some plan for control that does not include our going over there with boys and girls and arms...we've gotta find some other way to make money in this USA. Repeat: if we need to make money and generate incomes, let it not be with swords but with plowshares.
And as for the third, I say, stop trying to buy the goodwill of our sometime permanent guests of the last twenty years. There will be no good will from them no matter how hard we try. Mexicans can be bought, but not by good will. They just already know that we are suckers. STOP all present talk in the H. and the S. Bring in the troops and close the borders. And then get serious. I know that's not going to happen because too many groups and individuals in the USA are economically tied to and dependent on the DRUG TRAFFIC -ing trade. It is ridiculous to view the scene without acknowledging that. Grow up, all.
I am writing on these might issues to show you how much easier it is to deal with them than it is to deal with a husband in and out of ER's, visiting and very helpful sons who are working out in the garage to clear out fifty plus years of stuff (anybody want a collection of pristine Northern California seashells from 1958?)...and feeding all the above according to five different diets, and getting to know a fifteen year old grandson who's taking it all in. He and I are both learners in the situation. This is the first time he has been among the men of his family, talking amicably, working hard together, making plans. This is the first time I have been an old lady who is going to have to make a move to somewhere she doesn't necessarily want to go to, in a condition she doesn't necessarily want to be in.
That's all for the subject on this day. YAZZYBEL
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