Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday, Already

Dear Readers,

Good day!  Again, it's after lunch --or, rather, during lunch. I am eating deli coleslaw mixed with deli potato salad.

Another busy and baffling day yesterday. Son Ben called in the late afternoon (we'd been out grocery shopping) from the ER in Walnut Creek. He'd been out in his yard putting together one of those little sheds you get at the home stores...and severely cut the inside of his wrist. Fortunately his friend Huey was with him, and he drove him to the ER. Benjamin got first aid and lay patiently waiting for the surgeon to come at nine p.m. to join back his wrist tendons. Gadfrey!  So we waited until this morning and he called from the hospital. Operation accomplished, and he is waiting for the word from above to find out what his restrictions will be. He does not want us to come. (Who could blame him?) But this is what happens when one does not have a girl friend handy who would like to be maid, cook, nursie, and coddler all in one. Perhaps he does. Perhaps that's why he does not want us to come. The main point is that we are in limbo until he calls us and a decision is made as to whether we can go tomorrow or not...the car is being redded up at the Christian Arabs' station nearby. I am half packed already; Theo will be when his laundry is done. Rosie has been called and can come feed the cat for a while. Or her husband, who "sits," can come. We shall see.

Today I am brooding over Kunstler's blog, Clusterfuck Nation.   He wrote today about a man who immolated himself on the courthouse steps in New Hampshire last week.  This man was and had been for many years embroiled in the nasty business of domestic violence and state takeover of the children.  I read the fifteen page suicide note that he sent to the local newspaper, and found it lucid and rational for the most part.  He was far  too rational a person to have been pursued to the point of suicide--or was he? He said not a word against his wife, except to point out that she was forced to go  along against him so as not to have the kids taken away from her, too.  If true, this is horrifying. I certainly believe it can be true. Go to and look for the is there. 

The man theme of K's blog today was men, manhood, and the lost of manhood for American men. I tend to agree with him.

Kunstler goes from there to marriage for gay men, which he's against, for more rational reasons than one sometimes hears.  He thinks that legal union should be enough...I do too.  After all, legal union is all that our country offers to any of us.

My mother told me, once, and I don't know how it came up but it made sense to me then and it makes sense to me now: A marriage is made between the man and woman who contract for it. The government can only make it legal.  The church can only bless it.

Think about it. Kunstler thinks that advocates for gay marriage are promoting adifferent agenda entirely...and I also pretty  much agree with this too...the different idea is that homosexual marriage is equal to heterosexual marriage, or even better.  I don't think those two things belong in the same ball game, frankly.  As an Episcopalian, I can agree with my church's humane view of co-habitation and commitment for it marriage or whatever.  But push me too far into the equal but better game and I get nervous. YAZZYBEL

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