Thursday, July 21, 2011

Clothes, and Colors, and the BCP

Good noon!

I was going to write  a lot earlier and say, Surprise!, but got off the track and now I am here to write sketchily before I go down to a nap.

Back to clothes. I have a number of jackets hanging outside on the trelliswork of the patio.  It's a good thing, as Martha would say, for our closets get all stuffy with used shoes, clothes, and  all kinds of things that need airing out.

Jackets are the staple of variety in my wardrobe. Can we HAVE a staple of variety? I mean, that 's how most I vary my appearance over the week.  Dull pants and top, good looking jacket. I have three tweed jackets for winter/spring/summer/fall. One is Ralph Lauren, an olive plaid. One is someone? in an olive tweed with little off-white flecks in it that give it a lighter more multi-seasonal quality. And a beige and white herringbone that somehow never gets chosen. Oh, yes, I am waiting to lose ten pounds. It would look better then.

Then there are the summer jackets: white denim with lace and a brown overlaid printing and it is great; red cotton 750 dollars bought at Dillard's in a trample it up sale for about fifty...and I never wear it, dont know why; white linen, black linen, white cotton, black cotton, white rainjacket material, --and too many others to mention.

Quite a few of the last, I have bought at the thrift store. I refrain from advertising this about because once you show people a great bargain you got at the thrift store, they tend to say, EVERY time they see you, "What a great outfit! Did you get it at a thrift store?"  This last is usually said in a very piercing voice. At least, it pierces me.  So I never confess a second time that I got something at a thrift store, no matter what a great bargain it turned out to be.

As to colors, I love the off-colors, as I said. For years I wore in the summer a jacket of thin elegant raisin-colored linen. This jacket went with everything. Alas, one year I got into a clearing-out mode and gave it away. Oh, I still regret that jacket, perfect boyfriend cut, perfect color for day or night or with any outfit.But things come and go.  At any time I could scoop up the jackets hanging on the line and just say,"I've had it with these old clothes! I am giving them away!"  The Am-Vets are coming on Monday and I have to clear out a bunch of stuff to make it worth their while stopping, don't I?

Anyway, back to colors...hue is color, and a shade is that color darkened with black, and a tint is that color lightened with white. So you can never have a shade of pink, my dears.  It's a tint of pink, or baby blue, or lemon yellow.  That is all I know of art--well, not true. When I was a child up at six a.m. alone in the living room and experimenting with my wonderful Prang paintbox, I discovered that a beautiful brown could be made with black, red and yellow. There, I do know something that I learned on my own. Do not forget it; someday you may need that tip.

The BCP up there in the title is because I have been grieving the downfall of our country. You haven't noticed, my dears? The more fools you, then. It is gone, all that wealth and ease we used to know, and I do not know how we will get them back, given that we have let our industry, our brains and our sense go with them.  So I will close with one of my favorite prayers, and look for it as you will, you will not find it in your today's prayer book.

O LORD our Governor, whose glory is in all the world; We commend this nation to they merciful care, that being guided by thy Providence, we may dwell secure in they peace.  Grant to THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, and to all in Authority, wisdom and strength to do thy will.  Fill them with the love of truth and righteousness, and make them ever mindful of their calling to serve this people in thy fear; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with three and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end.

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