Thursday, July 26, 2012

Carrying On

Well, the people of Aurora, CO, are carrying on with the help of the television industry.  It is almost too awful to watch, all the grief and misery, and all the focus on the terrible incident---the argument about firearms and the Second Amendment--what the President said and what the Nominee said.

Here's what I have further found out about the shooter.  He wrote a book or comic sketch of stick figures being shot by somebody.  This is called "telegraphing," calling attention to one's plans before they come off.  Does the shooter want someone to stop him, or is he daring people to figure him out before he does something terrible? In this case, since the writings apparently were not opened or paid attention to before the fact, it is all a guess.  The ploy was a dud.

Some psychiatrists in his graduate program have made pronouncements, mainly, from what I have grasped, "I knew nothing. I know nothing."  Doesnt anyone who worked in his immediate vicinity have any clue as to what he was really like, what he was thinking about anything?  We won't know until the dust has settled and the complete story has been written, which brings us to a situation that has eerie recollections of another recent story: the Penn State coverup of a hideous reality in its midst.  It is very likely that the 'truth' will never be made public, as to who knew whom or what, unless one fluke comes out of the dark with some claim on the public attention, which doesn't seem likely if this guy was as withdrawn and solitary as he appears to be.  His parents are laying low; apparently they are 'cooperating' with authorities, but if they are saying anything valuable it is not for public ears, yet.

It is possible for a young guy to be solitary and withdrawn, and still be a normal person?  Yes, but I am sorry to tell you that it is normal for a human being  to have deeply dark impulses and thoughts.  What makes them worth acting out is the question.

That is all I have to say about Aurora at this point.
We know nothing except for the grief of the American children, young and old, who were present at that debacle or who suffered terrible losses because of it.  Perhaps I'll be moved to write more about it later. I have nothing new to say, I know. Maybe about the medications...YAZZYBEL

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