Thursday, July 19, 2012

Political Prediction Part Deux

Good day. I have been readin' and studyin' on Absolom!Absolom! by Wm Faulker all day, so my mind is running in apocalyptic circles.  (Book club coming up, you know.)

A friend of mine the other day said she'd sampled my blog but in a nutshell had found it too full of day to day trivialities. Well, sorry, but my life is full of day to day trivialities, and I should blush to say it perhaps, but I like it. 

But sometimes a larger theme looms up, and that is what I am coming to yesterday and today.

Let me begin by saying that I am a Democrat by registration, and by persuasion (my husband persuaded me,lol) . No, I see much of life through the lens of Liberalism and cannot see anyway to look at human kinds of subjects.

However, though I did vote for Barack Obama last time, and cried with emotion when he won (thinking that it meant something in the turbulent history of this nation),  I am profoundly disappointed in his conduct of the office ever since he took over, put in Rahm Emmanuel as busybody in chief, and put in Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geitner to further bring our financial fortunes to their knees.  Obamacare (I dare to say it) has been the crowning blow, and I did hear with my own two ears when Nancy Pelosi say with charming careless ease, "We'll just have to pass it to know what's in it." What fatuousness.

Let's get it straight. I am not against Socialized Medicine, horrible though it may be. I am not against over-taxing the rich.  I am against blowing away the post office and the public schools; I am for improving them and making them work.

But I am not happy with the President.  If he has just been sparing us from the horrible economic axe that is bound to fall, he has done wrong.  We should have been trying to bear it rather than passing it on to our children.  I feel that if there's been a mistake in the books, it's best cleared up as soon as possible.  The President has either colluded with the "Real" Powers that be in our world, or he is an innocent nitwit as the Republicans say. And don't even get me started on the subject of the derned Illegal Aliens.  (That's a Texan speaking.)

Mitt Romney cannot win the office of President.  I  cannot believe he has a snowball's chance in heck of winning.  What do people think they are seeing in him that I'm missing? And believe me, I'm looking. I see a mist, a vapor, a smoke and mirrors that isnt even very entertaining. 

I suggested Jeb Bush because he is, I've been convinced since early spring and the scarecrow parade of GOP candidates occupied our screens, the only person who can pull a Republican presidency out of the void.  I do not like Jeb Bush.  I don't like any Bushes.  I will not vote for him, but lots and lots of others will.  And he will win.

I don't care any more. If he gets in, we will see a fascist government beyond any imagining we've had so far.  The schools and the post office will go down the drain. Rummy and Cheney will be clowns compared to their next counterparts.  But I am so disillusioned as to the quality of (pick one) citizenship, leadership, education, awareness, intelligence, character that we see about us from high to low that I am beginning to think that it might be what our country needs: is asking for, in fact.

I don't want to go to the old folks' concentration camp.  It won't be fair.  But something has to be done with intelligence and zeal pretty soon--or there won't even be old folks' concentration camps or any other kind:  it will be just death and destruction on all sides.  Sounds pretty grim?  That is the way I think when I am not thinking about cooking, books, music, little birds twittering in the trees, and family stuff.

SO, if the Republicans want to win in November, they will proceed ASAP with the idea I expounded on yesterday.  If they do not want to win, they will continue with the status quo and we will know that they really didn't want to make things different, after all.  YAZZYBEL

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