Thursday, July 12, 2012

Why Won't They Use the Guest Towels? Why?

I have a bathroom with two classes of towels in it: MY towels and GUEST towels.  These two classes of towels are not to be confused, in my mind, even though they must share a small bathroom.

I have a lot of really purty little real linen guest towels.  They are so lovely.  For a while I thought that people didn't use them because they were so pretty and perfect that people didn't want to spoil their looks. 

WRONG!  I have switched, lo these two or three years, so a beautiful package of printed paper hand towels.  They are a beautiful peach color and have an antique print on them of a lovely plant with reddish flowers and plenty of green leaves and twining stems.  NICE.  So why won't guests use them?  I know you don't, gals, because I check every time.

You see, women DO wash their hands after using the bathroom.  And they do dry them as best they can, for I have observed this in countless public restrooms on countless automobile trips.  Usually, now, it's a ghastly blower, but often it is a paper towel and I know they are used because they are sometimes ankle deep on the floor. (This is the American Southwest, after all.)

So what do people in my bathroom use if they won't use my pretty, cheap (Walmart)  disposable and therefore e-coli-free paper towels?  They use MY towels.  They must surreptitiously dry those damp fingertips on my personal towel; they creep back and find a corner that they think must be clean enough for them to use, and they use it.

All I ask is this: WHY?  I am here to make a public announcement: Friends, I can afford a package of Walmart pretty fingertip guest towels more often than every two years!  Please help me to use up my guest towels!  Please!!!



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