Friday, December 7, 2012

A Delicious Vegan Dish

Good morning!

Here is a delicious vegan combo that evades all the overly sweet marshmallow-y aspects of sweet potatoes, while providing you with a filling and satistying 'main dish' for supper.

Bake a sweet potato or yam. I always forget which are which; I like them both.  I think I bought a yam because it was quite red, but it could be the other way round.

As the yam bakes, cut into cubes:

green bell pepper
yellow bell pepper
red bed pepper

Saute the above in a spray of oil until they are done.  You must have green pepper because it has its tendency to be un-sweet and you don't want all sweetness in this dish!

I like hotness, so add something picante to the mix. This time I added cayenne pepper, one of my favorite tastes, to the vegetables, and a little bottled salsa (La Victoria).  If you have fresh jalapenos so much the better, a little of those too.

This combo of semi-sweet peppers, hot peppers, and sweet potatoes is just delicious. I discovered it long ago when I added just the La Victoria. Now we try to get more fiber into our diets, so I like to play with lots of the real peppers.

ANOTHER TIP. If you live near a Safeway supermarket, go to the bread section. Safeway makes a number of breads in its in-house brand name, and they are all good and significantly cheaper than the name brands.  Anyway, perhaps because it's Christmastime, they have a great loaf of Cranberry-Orange bread.  I have just been looking for a raisin bread with NO horrible false cinnamon in it (impossible to find for me so far), and this Cranberry-Orange bread just fills the bill.  For a treat, it's great with cream cheese (if you haven't had a heart attack!).  For someone like me, it is fine with a spray or two of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray. YUM YUM>  YAZZYBEL

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