Sunday, October 7, 2012

I May Wind this Down

Hi, it's been ages since I wrote.

I may wind this blog down. Not that many look at it, and nobody comments but one sister, no. five...

A friend of mine said she tried it but found it un-appealing (I think gossipy was her term). Sometimes I think honesty is not a virtue in a friend.

So, I am not incentivized to write, but will continue on with the blog until the end of the year.
If there's anything to say, which at this moment there is not.

Son Benjamin went to Dean and DeLuca yesterday in St Helena, and said he would not send me anything. Is that unbelieveable or what?

Oh, I am off on a breadless kick.  There is so much written about concerning "gluten" and "gluten-free" foods.  Wheat is the worst culprit, certainly so here in America.  Plus it has the GMO components, so there are two reasons to eschew it.  Long ago when I was on the Dr Atkins, I looked like a million bucks (OK, it was forty years ago!) and felt like a million bucks too.  I ate no grain of any kind for a long time.  So it occurred to me that one of the Atkins benefits, unconsidered by me at the time, might have been that I was eating no gluten.  Hmmm.  Belatedly she puts two and two together and gets--zero.  Zero bread for a while. Zero flakes. Zero oatmeal :(....It will be hard to forego bread as Theo and I have been eating ever more of it with all these sandwiches we've been having out. And eating those grainy sugary little snack bars...and FEELING WORSE THAN I HAVE EVER IN MY, I had sausage and eggs for breakfast and very delicious they were.  And baked chicken breast for lunch is coming up.  I gotta go to the store to invest in a lot of tuna fish, because tuna fish salad is filling and tasty.  Can I stick to it? In a way, I have to. I have to try. YAZZYBEL

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