Monday, November 28, 2011

Let's Try to Get This Done

Good evening...ah yes, gone are those early morning hours when my mind was sharp and fresh. Well, OK, at least sharper and fresher than it is by evening. However: This is the time I have.

Ben flew off into the afternoon sun, and Theo and I settled down to our continuous honeymoon.  LOL.  We are doing pretty well.  He is feeling better. I've got him doing the dinner dishes whether he would or no, because I am tired of cookin' and washin'.  Too bad for me.

Tomorrow we go to his Kaiser doctor.  Shall I ask him, "Why was Theodore's heart not brought into the picture when we've been talking about his health all these last months?"  No, I shall not, probably. I have my own doctor to battle with.  So I'll just function as official mama and answer the questions that Theo does not connect with.  I'll try to be good.

I am headed back into the McDowell Diet as well.  My little foray into meat-eating didn't seem to function too well.  Hope I go back to feeling better after a few days of vegetables and fruits.  Theodore looks much better than he did a week ago, by the way.  Getting the water yanked out of him did him a world of good, and the regular and unrelenting beating of his heart should get lots more oxygen into his body.  All good.

There are lots of worldly issues I could deal with nowadays if I had the luxury of being a person.  I am so concerned about our (American) society.  How vulgar and mean the people on the tv are! How nasty.  Making the cruel and nasty remark seems to be the hyperion of conversational talent it always was, probably--only now the people making the remarks are uneducated, ignorant, ugly, ill-dressed, and fat.  Speaking of ignorant and uneducated, I don't think that hyperion is the appropriate word in the sentence preceding...but I can't think of know what I mean.  See why I am so concerned?

Today is the birthday of sister no. 2.  She is eighty one today, eighteen months younger than I, and is the "baby" of my memory.  She was so precious that I took a bite out of her.  My mama did not take kindly to my show of love, and bit me back, thus causing trauma that no amount of therapy has ever been able to alleviate. Gracious, mama, I was only two.  Love to my sister of the peach-like cheek, on her birthday, and love to my Mama too. YAZZYBEL

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