Sunday, January 16, 2011

Blessed Sunday

Today Theodore drove me up to church so that we could breakfast together afterward.

Church was not noteworthy, other than the fact that it can exist at all. Sometimes watching those moving figures on the altar preparing to give us Holy Communion, I think of all the Episcopal Churches across our nation, all with the same gentle and genial ritual. Makes me feel good.

I could not stay for the Martin Luther King Forum, for which I was sorry. But when necessary, I put Theodore's needs first. And he needed to breakfast. We ate at The Gathering, a nice place in Mission Hills.

And now I have to go back to church at noon for the Annual Meeting. Have to? you ask. Well, I have to because I have committed to go. It will be a bit boring, but it is nice when Episcopalians can get together to celebrate--something. The Chapter nominees are a shoo-in, and there are no longer protracted and possibly humorous presentations from the various department heads, but the lunch is free and catered. The Episcopal ladies of our Cathedral no longer provide a meal, and I am sorry. All that sweatin' and cussin' in the kitchen, in the old days, provided a strong sense of bonhomie amongst high and low, and also turned out a very tasty meal.

There is no word of the day that I'm moved to speak on. Oh yes, back to Prudence. The Dean said that Prudencia states, "None are well until all are well." Oh, yes! Hear those words, folks who'd condemn others for the ills and follies of Arizona and the rest of our land.  If our President had been inclined to tell the truth, he'd have said in his speech: "And Jared Loughner is one of us." And may God have mercy on us all.  Until tomorrow, YAZZYBEL

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