Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Haiku Monday

Good evenin'.

I was awake in the night last night and spent my time constructing a haiku in my mind....

The thought I had was really too big for a haiku, so I kind of gave up and drifted off...

Now I cannot remember what the haiku was about. That's the trouble with working on poems in the middle of the night: you don't always remember those brilliant thoughts the next day.

There is a group who work on and present individually every Monday a haiku for the rest of the group to read and judge.  I am never in on this group because I don't know where to find them.  The few times I have stumbled into "Haiku Monday," I had read their efforts with pleasure and joined in twice.

If you do not know, haiku is a Japanese verse form that is strictly controlled by number of syllables per line; it's 5, 7, 5.  Period. No deviation.

The best subjects are those of nature.  Animals and bugs are welcome.  So are clouds, rain, sun, wind...I'll make one about grocery store flowers to show you. See, five syllables for the first line already.

Grocery store flowers
Colorful they are, and cheap;

That is a good one because it is ordinary, and it does follow the syllabic count to the dot.

It also presents a common problem--If you pronounce grocery as gro-ce-ry , you already have too many syllables.  But groce'ry is a common pronunciation so it adds up right and it okay.

It is also far from beautiful, so not a winner in anyone's estimation.  But you try it!!! YAZZYBEL

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