Saturday, September 10, 2011

Fade to Cool

Good afternoon!

Our major incident ended not with a bang but a whimper.  Thank God for that.  We were all a tiny bit uneasy here in Southern California.  And on Friday morning, you could hardly get into the stores like Walmart for the huge crush of people who, I believe, suddenly realized that they were not at all prepared for even one day of privation of the Essentials for Life.  So they belatedly stocked up.   That stuff will sit there like my Y2K stash, until someone in the family nags and it all gets dispersed into the world of charity. (Baja) (probably).

Even the winds turned cold, as if embarrassed at the press of heat and suffocation they'd inflicted on a nation already without resources for air-cooling, air-movement, and light.  So now we are back into the suit jacket mentality when we think of leaving the house.

To complement all this thinking, the anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001 is upon us.  My husband is evading hearing about it by sticking to the US Tennis Open. I am watching movies about dragons and reading the book club book.  I  don't like anniversaries of tragedies because they are too often sentimental and exploitative of bad events.  So I shall bow my head in prayer tomorrow morning and remember for a moment, if I ever forgot, the horror of the day's occurrences on September 11th.

This blog may undergo bloggus interruptus at any time now, as I prepare to move the computer to another room and clear this living room out a bit from my drifts of paper. I may move the operation to  the Public Library, entirely, and the hiatus will be as long as is necessary under the circumstances. But not yet, not yet. Soon, but not yet.YAZZYBEL

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