Off betimes in the a.m. to the dentist, where I underwent a long and grating (get it,lol?)toothcleaning. I spent the time looking at the immaculately white ceiling and walls of this set of offices made out of what was once a cottage.
He was a new dentist, and I have had to get x-rays galore and today shall go again to meekly submit to "impressions." He wants to know ALL about me it seems. I gather he's planning for future implants, but, doc, I gotta tell you that most of us 82 year olds would rather undergo simple tooth-pulling than to endure and pay for the implant procedure. Maybe not, though. Who knows? So I shall get the impressions.
After an afternoon's rest I went last night to the book club, at the prettiest house in the club, out in OB area. I like the house because of its pristine California Spanish style. It's graceful and its adornments as authentic as 1930's could get them. I love it.
We discussed a book about a girl who got institutionalized in the 1930's--40's--when was that anyway...simply because she was a bit independent and wanted to go to college. Oh what a horrible family. Anyway this poor girl spends a long forgotten life in the clink, until the generalized de-institutionalizations in 1970's released her to live out on her own. Sad story. Melodramatic ending. Good book? Nah. I give it a 3 out of five, and that is generous. I do not think there was one smile in the whole book, not one hint of mirth nor happiness. Make that a 2 out of 5,now that I think of it.
I hated the look of the democratically chosen new book, which is about working girls in New York in the thirties. Will it be any different from the lives of the institutionalized girls in the novel we read for tonight? Don't want to read it but probably will be good and at least try it.
The hostess had many fine desserts. I chose to eat fresh fruit (with tiny dab of whipped cream, the book club's ritual dessert embellishment) AND two small slices of apple pie. I have been yearning for cooked apples and there they were, and very satisfying.
For breakfast today I made for myself a jam omelette, made of one Safeway large egg (bird-sized), beaten with pepper and pink salt, and cooked in a tiny bit of butter, omelette style. Then I put on 2 t. pure fruit apricot jam, folded it,and ate it inside one piece of dry white toast, folded. It was a breakfast both of indulgences and restrictions. I needn't bother to tell you which are which. YAZZYBEL
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