Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday, Looking Up, and Around

Good morning!

That picture up there is of the Biggest Artichoke in the World, bought at Henry's Market.  It's what it looked like after I cooked it and spraddled it out on the table attempting to remove the World's Biggest Choke out of it.  It was not just full of meat after all anyway--all leaf and no heart.

It's Tuesday and I realized last night that I was very deeply depressed, due to the exit of the dogs and Theo's mini-crisis of health.

I regard myself as responsible for my own mental health, so have to cheer self up today.  I started with a good breakfast.
one egg-2 points
one toast-2 points
dab marmalade-1 point
one sausage patty-2 points
That's a seven point breakfast. Oh dear, that is depressing.  But it was so delicious eaten as a stack, with a knife and fork, that it may be worth the points. Let's see how long it stays with one.

Our weather is not contributing to cheer. Yesterday I went out into a sunny yard with a stiff cold wind blowing, and watered a few plants.  The citrus are looking beautiful. My Mexican lime has had a thousand blooms but won't set fruit.  Gotta learn why not but shall wait until after trip to concentrate on it.  The Dwarf Meyer Lemon has lots of small lemons on it but I know from bitter experience that these little hopefuls can turn dark and drop at a moment's notice.  So, I shall water judiciously till I go, and after that it's anyone's guess as to what will happen to them.

I am invested in SLV, and it has plunged.  Well, it advanced far enough for me to skim off enough cream to finance a few improvements around here when I return. The rest of it will sit there until it does it again.  I should be buying GLD but shall wait a bit.  Sumer is a-coomin in, loude sing cuckoo.

Household tip of the day: ladies who are buying plates, cups, silverware, do remember this.  Heft the piece in ye hand before buying.  The FEEL of these things in your hand is important, as you eat, as you serve, lay the silver, wash up, etc.  When I am at the Goodwill, I heft the good-looking pieces of chinaware.  It is easy to tell the things from China.  The Chinese have not yet mastered the weight nor heft nor thinness of English, Italian, or Portuguese soft paste, for they have discovered, alas, that the American public will buy anything that's put out there and called chic.  Some of the designs are great. Pick it up.  No, thanks. Put it down and look for better.  You are not looking for heavy.  You are looking for perfect.

I do not know what to pack for Iowa.  It may be quite warm.  And, as likely as not, it may be quite chilly.  It has been cold of late and in fact I am looking for an email from Alexander to tell me that, alas, he lost his thriving little seedlings and plants last night in the cold.  It was unexpected, but the unexpected is the expected nowadays in weather, it seems. Maybe it was always that way.  Mother Nature is a prankster.  But we love you, Mother.  Say I hastily.

There is the Giant Artichoke before cooking. I should have kept it for an adorno  the kitchen . Cooked it looked as if it belonged in Chluthu...you know...out of HP Lovecraft....

If, as we plan, we go to TX on the way home, it will be warm for sure...I pray to the Lord that it will be raining, for the Texans need rain big time.  And we can stand it.  We like rain.  Whatever comes, we'll enjoy it all. YAZZYBEL

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